
donghae_lee donghae

  • Name: Dong Hae
  • Real Name: Lee Dong Hae
  • Korean Name: 이동해
  • Chinese Name: 李东海
  • Profession: Actor, Singer
  • Birthdate: 1986-10-15
  • Birthplace: Mokpo, South Korea
  • Star Sign: Libra
  • Date of Birth: October 15, 1986
    Height: 175 cm
    Hobbies: dancing, sport, singing, watching movies
  • Casting: 3rd SM Youth Best Selection Best Outward Appearance 1st place, Wholeness Compensation 2001

Trivia Fact: Nicknamed “Pinocchio” by Kim Heechul. He loves Christmas. He comes from the same hometown (JunNam) as Yunho of DBSK and the two are very good friends. One of his nicknames is 동해바다 Donghae Bada (Bada means Sea). He wants to get married at the age of 32. Donghae is scared of ghosts.
Reasons to Love Him: Donghae LOVES to touch people, well, at least the members. In general, he is like a little boy. Kyuhyun said that Donghae is five-year-old. He is good friends with Eunhyuk - he constantly tease and abuse Eunhyuk and Hyuk just takes it, making Donghae does it even more. Donghae is a very good dancer, second only to Eunhyuk.

facts about lee donghaae :
~when donghae was born, his dad and his brother were playing badminton outside of their house.
~he loves kids and puppies.
~he's a crybaby.
~one of his dreams is to conquer America and go to Disneyland.
~he's the NG king in their movie.
~donghae who is quite weak in health, often loses sleep at night. Sungmin who lives with him would fall asleep easily at the count of three, leaving donghae to roll and flip around in bed trying to fall asleep.
~donghae used to play at the public bath house with his friends, using the bathhouse like a swimming pool, thus making all the ahjusshis there angry. 
~if someone tells him he's short, he'll definitely go online and search for ways to grow taller and drinks only milk and soy milk.
~donghae left a msg titled "ELF I LOVE YOU" in the fancafe and sungmin called him and told him he got the title wrong. he typed LOVE as LVOE and he was so embarrassed. we still LVOE u Donghae!!!.. 
~when kibum first came to korea, donghae was the 1st person to hug him and welcome him. awwwwwwwww..
~Donghae is really afraid of Shindong's snoring, and his loud breathing while sleeping scares him too. Its almost impossible to sleep at night, for him.
~Donghae has a very cute lip biting habit.
~Donghae wants to name his son/daughter Bada.
~Donghae also hates to eat alone.
~Donghae:He said that he hates celebrating birthday.Because last year Super Junior went somewhere to perform.He was looking forward to 12 o clock to come when all his members would give him presents but they all were busy doing their own things,making him so sad,so everytime they talk about birthdays on air he always complain.
~Donghae likes to play around with Hee Chul a lot.
~Donghae is scared of ghosts..(admitted on Hello Chat)
~Donghae and Yunho from DBSK came from the same town

~The reason Hae disliked pink was because Sungmin's wardrobe was opposite his bed[back in their old dorm], and it was so full of pink.
~Hae never takes that bracelet off his left wrist. his mother apparently gave it to him.
~He called Yesung's mom once and told on Yesung. And Yesung was like, you liar, you're the one bullying meee
~Yunho + Hae = close friends. Hae even guested in a concert to perform the song Yunho wrote by himself.

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